Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Don't call me Ketchup Boy, boy!

First of all, I want to say I had a nice New Years weekend and I hope all of you did as well.

LBB’s most recent post has inspired me to discuss work a little bit, or my lack thereof. I am guessing that the majority of you in Blogville, USA, are like me: college grads, semi-computer savvy. Hopefully, you aren’t allergic to work like me, though. I’m not talking numbers of hours, because I currently do put in a lot of hours and have done so since graduation. Most of the time, I have had multiple employers simultaneously.
What I mean is hard, back-breaking, pick axe and sledgehammer wielding work. Mud in your face work. I’m too tired for sex but I will do it anyway because it’s sex work.
Since I have been in the work force, rarely have I ever had to do such work, and, quite frankly, I have reveled in that fact. Sometimes, though, and lately more often than not, the fact that I rarely get my hands dirty is pissing me off. Is this a normal feeling? Even though I work 50+ hours, go to college full-time, raise a family, and try to keep the exterior portion of the house looking quasi-good, is it unfair of me to feel this way?

To get to this point in my life I had to successfully avoid a lot of manual labor. I also had to meet the Percent Daily Values requirement of time sitting on my ischial tuberosity, which I have accomplished each year since 1992 (this is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs). I did the apartment thing for several years, until 2001, when I finally purchased my first home (this aids in the avoidance of outside chores). I am also relatively lazy.
When I get home, though, the last thing I want to do is mow the lawn, pull weeds, or rake leaves, even in the summer when sunset is close to 9:30pm! I feel like such a lazy arse, but when I am tired from working all day I simply want to go home, make dinner, eat dinner, polish off a couple bottles of liquid refreshment, and watch "My Name is Earl". Is that so wrong?

Now, you all probably are wondering why I am waxing incoherently (which I tend to do) over this topic, and, yes, I do have a point. I wasted a good part of yesterday loafing around, only to get aggravated, bored, and motivated enough to shuffle a copious amount of hard work into the daily mix. Bad idea.

Obviously, my sit-down-on-my-backside-all-day, computer job has caused severe muscle atrophy, because by the time I was finished, I could hardly lift my chainsaw off the ground to cut the wood. To top it all off, I had to stack the wood up after I cut it – by myself, even. Where are all the low-wage, illegal aliens when you need them? Anyway, after that, I raked leaves for what seemed like a month of Sundays, without stopping to eat or sleep or even make water. In reality, though, it was about two hours. I am still sore as hell today and probably will feel worse tomorrow. Bad idea, indeed…or was it?

Knowing that when I come home tonight and do not have much to do, simply because I have done most of the laborious chores already - and not avoided them - will make all the difference in the world. I might even quit my part-time job to free up time to do more things that are required of me at home.

I am sore as hell and damn proud of it, and I intend on feeling that way a lot more often than I used to.
So, get on out there you candy-asses and get to work!

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I hear you. Try adding blogging to the equation, and watch the muscle atrophy increase!
Eh! I work out nearly every day. That's enough in January. LOL!

Ok, ok... this candy ass is surfin' on now. LOL!
Say, thanks a million for the reference.

"I am also relatively lazy."

What? What do you mean? You work 50 hours, go to college and blog?

I'd kill for your work ethic.
chickybabe - Yes, exactly! Aside from muscle atrophy, you can add carpal tunnel to our list of ailments. We will require a wheelchair to get from the living room to our computers in order to post.

lil bit - Women who work out every day would not fall under the "candy ass" category; they most likely are in the "nice ass" category. lol

Seriously, that is awesome that you work out every day...you must be in great shape.I am beginning to play basketball and walk/run every day. Would that still make me a candy ass?

LBB - No problem for the reference. I really enjoy reading your posts. I do feel lazy at times, especially when it requires that I put on gloves and do work-type activity. This is a new year, though!
Heh. No, nearly every day. Big dif. LOL!
...and with all the stuff you do, Barry... no, you're not a candy ass, Sweets. LOL!
Thanks, lil bit! I will enjoy watching basketball and football today without regret!

janestarr - I am planning on washing my car today before football starts...not a bad idea.

Hope you feel much better soon!
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