Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Favorite Artist Meme

Favorite Artist Meme:

Choose a band or artist and answer the questions using only titles of their songs.

Sweet Lord, this looks like a challenge! Well, since I am a huge Paul McCartney fan, I’ll select him. Plus, he has written a million songs.

  1. Are you male or female? Magneto and Titanium Man
  2. Describe yourself: No Words
  3. How do some people feel about you: Dear Boy
  4. How do you feel about yourself: Country Dreamer
  5. Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: The Lovers That Never Were
  6. Describe your current significant other: Warm and Beautiful
  7. Describe where you want to be: Here, There, and Everywhere
  8. Describe how you live: Heart of the Country
  9. Dexcribe how you love: No More Lonely Nights
  10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Another Day
  11. Share a few words of wisdom: Ram On
  12. Now say goodbye: Good Night Princess

Thanks, janestarr, that was a hoot!

I hereby tag sonya, lil bit, and mack!

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I got tagged. LOL! I'll post it tonight.
I have my meme posted. Hope I did it right.
Doh! You tagged me again?!? LOL!
Darlinnnnnn - you have to TELL me when you tag me, so I *know* these things.
Sorry I don't visit more often, I only get so much "me time" as it is.... and then blogging has to fit in there amidst .. uh.. other things. lol

Will do as soon as I can, k?
(note: probably means in about a month, right?) LMAO

*big hugs*
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