Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oh Brother, Where art thou infirmary?

Tuesday night, I had my second indoor soccer match. Let me remind you, I signed up for a beginner league, all-male, 25 years and older. Our first game was against a team that called themselves a "Bunch of Accountants"; in reality, they were former college soccer players - some at pretty reputable universities. This past game, we played a local high school team where the goalie as a girl and the median age was 15. They ran circles around me, literally. Here is a list of injuries I sustained:
1. multiple shin contusions
2. Twisted ankle
3. Twisted knee
4. Hit in the groin with a soccer ball from 15 feet away

I kid you not, after that last one occurred, I went down like a sack of feed corn. It was so painful, my unborn children felt that blow . To top it all off, some fat guy in the stands (why people come to watch us I have no clue) was supposedly making disparaging remarks about my soccer skills (or lack thereof). C'mon, you fat b-stard! I'll kick your butt in basketball three ways from Thursday! I have no idea what that means, but it proves I am serious!!

I am starting to think mgc is right by saying, "What the hell do you think you are doing playing soccer - especially at your age?" I should have listened to you, buddy.

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Kick in the shin seems effective. Just don't be off-side when you do it, that might tick the judge off!

Seems the off-side rule is the only one that matters in soccer, or at least it has during the past Fifa championship. But I guess, with so many guys on the field, and one judge (with his cute pair of linejudges), you can't truly focus on it all, and have to pick your battles. Off-side is tricky, so the moment you spot someone breaching that rule, you show everybody hos smart you are, getting the off-side rule...

Or something like that! :)

Hope you at least had a good time. Oh, btw, is any of the teams wearing those tiny shorts?

I feel for you dude, I really do. But then again, as Billy Shankly said:

"Football's not a matter of life and death ... it's more important than that..."
Ow, indeed. Maybe you should invest in a groin guard the next time!
You are not are just getting a little agey.
Isn't there always some fat know-it-all in the stands that wants to tell everyone else how to do things the "right" way?? God I hate people like that. You keep up the good work. As long as you enjoy it, who cares???
barry may i suggest a "beer bottle swilling league" or a "watch that grass grow and complain about mowing it league"?

although, i have heard of dude's getting a small forarm cramp in the beer league, so use caution and moderation to withstand the torture. best of luck to you my friend!
Sorry about your nuts, man.
And thank you for 'helping' me out over at Anita's-the whole if ~d is a slacker-I got your back...(smiles!)
Heart - Thanks for the pointers! I am still in pain and it is amlost a week since the "incidents". I am wearing tiny shorts - they are cool, aren't they? The fans get a free show everytime I run by.

crashdummie - Thanks for your concern! I got messed up by those 15 year olds. :)

beth - Groin guard? Not a bad idea. That, or pick up a new, safer hobby.

BV - I am so glad I have friends like you to kick me when I am down...

carnealian - I agree. This behemoth couldn't run down th efield once without begging for a Twinkie.

mgc - Funny enough, I am already a card-carrying member of both clubs! Sometimes when it is really hot, I will swill beer while complaining about mowing - you know, to conserve energy.

~d - Hey! Thanks for the sympathy. They are almost back to normal size.

Sorry for busting on you over at Anita's...what can I say? I am a kiss ass. :)
your training reminds me of this episode of beavis and butthead where they are training in a gym. the coach, a vietnam veteran keeps shouting their hair off because they can't lift up any of the weights and they keep complaining like
"Uhh, I have an injury."
"You do?"
"Yeah, I have this great big crack in my butt."

sorry! dunno why i remembered that! Huh huh, huh huh huh
huh huh :)
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