Monday, May 08, 2006

Tagged! Derby post to come later.....

YO! I got tagged by the honorable Blonde Vigilante. I am so happy about it I feel like wetting myself. That, or all the weekend's Kentucky Derby festivities have rendered me incontinent. Either way, here goes! Oh, and speaking of the Derby, I will have pics and a full update on the 4th Annual Jones-Southers Kentucky Derby party. I can say it was a great time, but, I am sure janestarr has stories that would make a sailor blush - considering she visited the Infield at Churchill Downs. I can't wait to hear about them!

10 weird facts about me

1. I hate sleeping on my left side because I think it puts undo strain on my heart.

2. I am left-handed and I have a right-handed identical twin brother, Bruce..

3. This one time, and summer camp, when I was 12, I was homesick for a day, and it was the last time I have ever been so.

4. I won a Richard Pryor album in college and it was the first time I won ANYTHING contest-related. It was a crappy album, too.

5. I "coach" simulated players who play for a simulated basketball team in an online simulated basketball site. Sounds geeky when typed aloud, but Jenny, my wife, loves me doing it, because it helps keep be off the streets.

6. For years, I have wanted an old VW van to fix up and drive around. I would keep it cool and mostly bumper-sticker free, though.

7. I wake up almost every day with a song in my head, regardless if I have heard it in a while.

8. I go to sleep every night listening to either the radio, news, or mp3 player.

9. I would like to host my own radio show someday. People say I have a face for it. It was actually my initial major in college (Telecommunications) , but I didn't like the classes.

10. I have a 3rd nipple. Kidding. I just wanted to see if you were still paying attention at this point.

11. I met Muhammed Ali in a Burger King bathroom (He was washing his hands). I also met Ned Beatty in a golf course bathroom once, too, but I didn't think it deserved an entire number since I only had 10 to work with.

I tag janestarr, carnealian, and sonya.

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Barry, I am in no way honorable, but thanks for playing along.
Nice answers. I wish you had a third nipple though, I'd like to see THAT!
I have been tagged. Can I repost my last one or do you want 10 more weird things? I have plenty of weird things about me. LOL!
curses!!! I wanted to "hear" about the derby!! Hurry up already!! But those were some interesting facts..Third nipple indeed...
Well a high 5 to you fellow leftie!!
I'm still stuck on the R & L - handed twins.
HE'S got the 3rd nipple, doesn't he? LMAO!

ps~ You're learning not to tag me, ain't ya? LOL - takes me frikkin' forever to get around to doing these things. LOL
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