Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Operation Clambake 500

With me being a sports fan, a Southerner, a redneck, and a son of a race car driver, needless to say I almost spit out my Levi Garrett when I heard of the newest merger NASCAR has allowed. My world has been shattered (not really; written for dramatic effect). On TV this morning, I saw a piece on NASCAR and some of its sponsors. They have a wild, wide variety of sponsors, mainly big name products and companies like Tide, DuPont, Cheerios cereal, Home Depot, Kellogg's Corn Flakes, Skoal, etc. There are even some more obscure sponsors, like Cheese-Nips, SpongeBob Square Pants, some nutty old Congressman, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste.

Now, Scientology*, in all their body-thetan weirdness is in the NASCAR game, baby. What in the name of Teegeeack is going on here? Now, instead of seeing fat guys with "24" shaved in their back hair, we might be honored by the likes of John Revolting, all dolled up in full regimental Scientology regalia? Or, Kirstie Alley, hanging around the BBQ pit? Or Jason Lee and his son Pilot Inspektor? Hell, Tom Cruise is almost guaranteed a car to drive, what with his expertise in Days of Thunder and all. I'm sure, like all sane Hollywood types, he'll have his infant daughter Suri strapped in riding shotgun.

And what else should we expect? Race car drivers carrying massive bull horns as they drive, spitting out propaganda? Silent interviews, all according to Scientology standards? Clambakes in the pit area?

As heinous as it sounds, I think I'll stick with the back hair.

* I mean no disrespect to Scientology and their members. They are people, too. Or at least I think.

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If Scientology is a new sponsor, I think Catholics, Baptist, etc, etc should also sponsor a car. I guess it would then be a religious race instead of Nascar, hun?
Well, when the Scientologists have a spokesman like Tommy Boy, how else are we to think other than they're crazy???
O.M.G... you have *got* to be kiddin' me.

Go, Kasey! LOL
Goodness, I'm not sure what to say about this!
If not for scientologists, who would we make fun of?

Thanks for swinging by the other day.
I can't help but wonder, what next...
No offence but your country gets weirder by the day *runs away*
sonya - It wouldn't surprise me at all! I can only imagine when the Catholic church is going to get involved.

carnealian - If you read some of the doctrine from Scientology, you will really think tommy boy is a fruitcake.

lil bit - Sadly, I am not. It is a sad day for all NASCAR rednecks like me... :)

missy - Probably the best post I have heard all day! I thought it was pretty funny myself. They have every right to do so, it just seems a bit odd.

jenna - Hey! Thanks for stopping by as well. You are welcome anytime. I am sure we would have no problem making fun of people, but Scientologists (among loads of others) sure make it easier for us.

chickybabe - Who knows? Pentacostal preachers in pit row?

steph - Abso-freaking-lutely no offense taken. I am completely with ya!
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