Friday, June 02, 2006

Exsqueeze me? A baking powder?

Yes, they look like what you think they do.

Click this link for more apocalyptic signs in all their sugary, edible goodness, but only if you are in the mood for baking this weekend. It is moderately not suitable for work, but believe me when I say the url name is worse than what is on the link. And the photos on the link are disturbing.


Personally, I think the Gingerbread cookies are the best.

Also, I have tentatively decided on a new color for The Fiction Scribe! It is called Tomato. I went with this because Lemon Chiffon was too gay sounding (not that there's anything wrong with that), Hematite was to pink-like and girly (sorry Steph) and Navajo White was more like brown. Damn color-blind Indians. I went with Wheat as the link color, well, because I like wheat bread. See, I am a simple guy. I also must be hungry.

Please let me know what you all think, because your opinions are important to me. Seriously, they are.* If it looks awful, let me know, but please don't call me a loser or scream racial epithets at me. Actually, you can scream all you wish, just don't write them to me.

Actually, if I were a little more computer saavy I would have collected 4 or 5 different colors and created a way to vote for your favorite, but alas I am not that saavy. I have managed to write saavy twice in one sentence and three times in a paragraph, which, at least as far as I am concerned, hasn't ever happened on Blogger before. So, even though I pick crappy looking colors for my blase-looking blog, I am still moderately funny and above-average intelligence. Now, if I could only get rid of my 3rd nipple...later kiddos!

* Kidding.

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LOL!! Funny stuff.
I once had a "cock cake" made for a batchelorette party. They did a pretty good job on it.
I ate 1 of the balls. LMAO!
I like the color. It seperates the men from the girly men.
janestarr - I try to use pretty much everything like it's going out of style. I am a nerd that way!

lil bit - Now your cake is funny! Perhaps you could submit a recipe to this site? lol!

BV - Thanks, I was hoping to etch my mark in the manly man community. I wear English Leather like it's my job, and your comments only helps validate it.

Dirk - I only see red and brown, too. I tried to jazz it up a little for the girls.
anita - Thanks for the nice words! I really thought long and hard about green (yes, your opinion DOES matter some), but in ht eend I chose Tomayto, or Tomahto, wherever you are from. Since we both are Southerners, we can call it TuhMater.

In the end, all I can say is that I thank you from the bottom of my pasty, lily-white, Cauasian heart.
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