Friday, June 23, 2006

Van Halen said it best

What do you think these women have in common? Porn? Stripping? Herpes commercial rejects? Shoplifting crack whores who sing in front of Bojangles for free food? Yup, you guessed it, they are all, or at least were, teachers.

There seems to be a bit of an epidemic these days, an epidemic of young, good-looking, Generation Y women (mostly blonde, too) who are teachers. These women are molding the minds of America's youth. These women look professional, dress well, and have had previous success in beauty pageants and one in particular is on the US National Bikini Team. Although not all, most of these teachers are having sex with their students, and it pisses me off. Why you ask? Well, because of the obvious - all my teachers from junior high through high school looked like jackals. Mustachoed hags with rows upon rows of big, gnarly teeth; large, eagle-sized beaks; loads of sweaty fatrolls, warts, scabs, carbuncles and sores - and those were the good-looking ones. Coming to school was a test of wills for us, and not in a good way. We had to struggle to keep our food down looking at our history teacher after lunch. Never once did I even slightly consider an affair with a teacher, or anyone else for that matter. My idea of sex in junior high was trying to "accidentally" brush my hand up against some random girl's ass in the hallway, let alone trying to nail my social studies teacher after kickball practice.

Now, it seems the male youth of today's junior high schools are subjected to a seemingly unending gaggle of good-looking, MySpaced, hypersexual, mentally unstable women, who want nothing else but scrog underage boys. If I were 14 again, I'd say sign me up! They supply their students with booze, porn, even dirty cell phone videos like this Tennessee wench did. To a 14 year-old boy. Its crazy.

Now, all kidding aside, I want to go on the record and say that these women are criminals. They are pedophiles. they are predators. As an adult, I find them reprehensible, loathsome skanks who should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.They even deserve their own Dateline NBC show. But still, from my inner 9th grade boy point of view, I am wondering something:
Where in the h-e-double hockey sticks were these crazy trollops at when I was in school? Oh, I know, they were gaining experience for there future professions by screwing the captains of their basketball teams - and their coaches.

For more info on slutty, pedophile pedagogues, click here.

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Oh dear. Not sure what to say. except I have never found teen-age boys attractive even when I was a teen-ager!
There are lots of freaky people out there, and I am guessing the dosage on their meds need to be upped.
i will agree that my 9th grade boy mentality would say hell yes let's bang away. what boy wouldn't when teacher looks like these whores. but as an adult i wonder what pleasure a woman can get from a boy of little to no experience. stamina maybe would be one benny, but is it worth your job and jail?
I can see your teenage-pt-of-view... lol... but... Why the hell would a grown woman WANT a frikkin' 14 y.o. boy to begin with, is the Q???

ps. Am I the only one having trouble reading your blog???
Your font is soooooo light, it almost blends in w/the color of the page, making it difficult to read.
Or do my 30-*cough*-something eyes just need glasses? LOL
I wonder how many of these women that are doing this to underage boys had the same thing done to them when they were underage? It's a sad cycle.
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