Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Are you young or old? This might be the test to prove which one you are...

I just received wind of this ringtone that teenagers can use while in school to avoid getting in trouble from their adult teachers. It seems that only "young" people can hear these high-pitched tones, which in turn alert them that a text message has been received.

I cannot hear a damn thing. I thought my twentysomething, felame co-worker was effing with me, until more came over and said they could hear it.

I guess I am an old fart. Regardless if I can hear their stupid high-pitched ringtones, I'll still bet I can kick most of their scrawny teenage asses. So screw you and your stupid ringtones. Click here, and give it a shot.

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Ew, yes, I can hear it. It's annoying. Although, if I was sitting in a classroom or at the mall or something I probably wouldn't hear it. Ew, that sound is like nails on a blackboard. YUK!
I couldn't hear a damn thing. I guess I should consider myself lucky! I just hate being in the 'older' category...
I think this story is actually an urban legend. Yes, I'm a skeptic.
egan - I was a little skeptical, but all these young folks at work said they heard it, so who knows? It wouldn't surprise me at all if were an urban legend.

Did you start it?
i didn't hear it at first, but my 13 year old heard it on the first try. i finally could here it, but only as a high pitched wine. fucking kids!

egan is the starter of many urban legends and then plays dumb and skeptical!
I can hear it. YES...I've still got it. Got what you may ask. Why, it of course.
mcg - at least you did hear it eventually. I have had no luck at all.

BV - I bet I had it once upon a time, but, alas, I seemed to have lost it along the way.
Maybe you lose it once you get married and have kids.
Oh, and write a book.
I can hear it like a mofo, and I'm 35. Annoying sound.

Still, cool idea.
I hear it.
I'm still young. Official.
Can't give it a listen atm... in Camo Mode. LOL
wow, that was quite a piercing noise :-/
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